For Hire: Bimmerworld Technical Sales Rep


IMG_0974-0.JPG So you hate your job? Want to play with cars but need to make money? maybe you should apply to Bimmerworld. I know the owner personally and can tell you he’s a great guy. You will work hard but it’s a great team that works well together. Seriously.

I know a bunch of people employee there and every time I call they seem pretty happy and fired up about the day. Maybe this isn’t the job for you, but it’s a good company. The job details are here, but basically you need to know cars and worked in sales or customer service. Be knowledgeable, nice, and responsible. That sort of thing.

By the way! Those are lemons racing trophies in that desk. A lot of the team seems to race together on the weekends. Doesn’t mean you’ll get to, but if you show that you get it and work hard, there’s usually a seat on teams for guys like that.

And the application is here. Basically it asks how much you expect to make, why you want to work at Bimmerworld? Do you work better in an unstructured or structured environment and why? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Describe a mistake at a previous job and how you fixed it. These are good questions. you want to work for people that want to know these things. So click on the link and fill out the form.