Want to see if you can follow pace notes? Here’s you chance(video below). You can clearly see the road and the notes are easy to hear. The number after the Left or Right is the degree of the corner. It sounds like they’re using a 1-10 scale (normal Jemba notes are 1-6). The numbers like 100 or 200 is the distance between the notes(usually corners).
The rest should be pretty obvious, “Big crests”, “slippy”,” long” means the corner will last longer than you think. The degree will still be determined by the number say Right 7, but the corner will be longer. Normally it can hard to follow rally paces notes, but these two are pretty solid team with simple and easy pace notes to follow.

This is Brenten Kelly and Niall Burns in their 2007 Subaru STI open class rally car at the 2015 Olympus Rally. Can you follow rally pace notes? Once you get the system down, you’ll find its easier to follow than it appears.