For Sale: Two Forwards, No Reverse



Two forwards no reverse! You simply get out and jump in the other seat. Which of course is facing its own way with its own separate set of steering and pedals connected to a separate engine! The guy took two Yugo’s and welded them together. Well technically the guy bought the car that way from the original builder. He’s been driving it in parades which makes sense. What would you do with this if someone gave it to you?

Here’s the Craig’s list ad for anyone still curious long after the vehicle has been sold:

“This is a custom parade vehicle. Two front ends welded together, 2 motors, 2 trannies, 2 steering wheels = lots of fun. I’m a shriners and bought this as a parade vehicle. Only 1 motor is running presently but the other just needs new fuel line and a tune up.”

For anyone crazy enough to buy this thing, here’s the ad. Again, if you do, please contact us and let us drive it!