How To Handle People That Don’t Park Between The Lines


We’ve all seen it. Some asshat thinks his car is nicer than everyone else’s car and takes up two spots to prevent his door from being dinged. There’s really nothing you can do. As car people, we would never damage another person’s car. I’ve heard stories of letting the air out of the tires so he’s stuck there for a while. But really there’s nothing you can do. Especially because police rarely write parking tickets in private parking lots.asshat parking
You can take a picture and send it to Jalopnik to shame the guy. But what does that really do? So here’s a better approach. My friend made this and keeps a few copies in his glove box. When he comes across an asshat parking job, he leaves it under their windshield wiper.

asshat parking 2If someone has a better idea, let me know. In the meantime here’s the turtle for you to download and use.




  1. My friend gave me some business cards to keep in my car. They read, “The way you pulled in makes me wish your dad pulled out.” I felt satisfied whenever I used them.

    • I consider private to mean all the commercial lots that are say in front of a Dunkin Donuts. And they write handicap parking violations in those all the time. Just never for people taking up two spots or other violations.

  2. And that does what exactly? Call a cop, have it towed, get him ticketed. DO SOMETHING that ISN’T childish.

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