How Ford Built The Focus RX


Ford Focus Rx BuildRacecars are amazing vehicles but we usually only see the finished product and rarely get a look behind the scenes at how they are built. This video series by Ford Performance changes that with an in depth look at the Ford Focus RX thats driven by Ken Block and Andreas Bakkerud in the World Rallycross series. The first video is an overview of the program and covers the different teams involved and how the Focus Rx will evolve from the Msport World Rally Cars.

Episode 1 is really the first in the series and takes us into the design and development phase and lays the groundwork for building the new car. They show us the engineering team working on the computer models that will be turned into parts to complete the Focus Rx.

Episode 2 is where it gets good. They start building the car and welding the cage together. Interesting to see how a top race shop builds its cars.

Episode 3 covers the components of the car and why it should have a competitive advantage.

By Episode 4 we’re testing the new car and shaking down all the components that went into the new World Rallycross car.

Hopefully the series continues throughout the season as it’s one of the best looks at developing and building a modern race car.