[BROKAGAIN] – Season 1 Recap


    Wow! I’m without words. I’ve gotten some really positive feedback from y’all on the last post in the series, and all I can say is thanks for all the kind words. This series will be back for the 2016 season / foreseeable future so if you would like to see me address anything specifically please do not hesitate to ask. These posts are for you, the reader as I’m already full of myself. I want to get more folks exposed, and eventually out participating in grassroots racing. Speaking from experience, this is the most fun I’ve had at any sport and I’m still not even winning. My email is dylan [AT] buildraceparty [DOT] com — please email with anything. Back on topic…

    I wanted to provide a recap for those who aren’t looking to read the full Season1, but just kind of want some cliff notes. For those not keeping track, I did a total of 12 events; 6 with each club.  Those events took me from Grissom AFB in Peru, IN to Chanute AFB in Rantoul, IL, and a few other lovely locations in IL. Looking back, it seems like a lot more, but 12 events is not all that many. I have friends who in there first years were pulling 50+ events every summer. Granted he was running with some random clubs and potentially driving some long distances to get to the venues, but nothing is better than seat time.


    2nd Place… Not bad. Full Disclosure: This is a 2nd place finish in class in a club that didn’t have the best season schedule & participation wise. Is it a hallow victory? Hell no — I earned the shit out of that trophy. Did I win because of my impeccable driving abilities? Hell no — I won because I showed up to enough events, and didn’t suck (too terribly) at the ones I competed in. Was I a ways out of 1st place? Oh hell yea! The guy (my friend), Drew who took down 1st in C-Street is an amazing driver who usually ends up on the top 20 on PAX for both clubs. How did he do at Nationals? 34/63 in C-Street.

    What does all that mean to me – you ask? It means keep at it. Don’t expect to be one of the “fast-guys” (or gals) your first few years out. What I’m trying to say with all the chaotic / seemingly meaningless stats above is that I’m getting my butt kicked by someone who doesn’t even come close to the top of the pack on a national level. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE FASTER. Stay humble, have fun, make friends, and worry about winning last. I will say the events are more fun when you do better, but I can also say from experience if you set your expectations way to high for yourself you are never going to have a fun event.

    Now, to another important question. What does all this fun (roughly) cost? ~$2300†






    †Okay, so that figure is a bit skewed. It didn’t include a lot of the expenses like gas, food, drinks, etc. I had some logic behind doing that though so bear with me… I don’t know if you are a hermit crab or a social butterfly. I also don’t know how far you are willing to travel for an event. I left all those expenses out as they are completely subjective, and almost all are necessary evils for whatever you do on a Sunday/Weekend. Don’t race? Perhaps you go Golfing — Well you would still need to spend money on gas to get there, food and drinks, and who knows what else. I wanted to only include the hard/known expenses that I can objectively measure. If I were to add in all the others I’m guessing the figure would be two to three times the original amount, but I only wanted to report on hard figures.

    Looking forward to 2016 I have a lot of work to do; most of it is self improvement. It’s similar to a lot of things in life, I know what I’m supposed to be doing, but I’m just having a hard time actually doing it / breaking my AWD habits. Oh, and this came in the mail from a good friend.

    Build-Race-Party-Dylan-Hauge-BROKAGAIN-Recap-2BRAAP! 2016 Race Season is only a few weeks away…